Source code for sdssdb.sqlalchemy

# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.
# @Author: Brian Cherinka
# @Date:   2018-09-22 09:02:19
# @Last modified by: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Last Modified time: 2018-10-10 16:38:45

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_method
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func

def get_field(parent, child):
    ''' Recursively get a field name from a parent

    Allows addition of fields from relationships into
    parent repr. E.g. '' or 'pipeline.version.version'

        parent (obj):
            the instance object to check attributes on
        child (str):
            The child string attribute name

        A tuple of string base parameter name and value

    if hasattr(parent, child):
        return child, getattr(parent, child)
    elif '.' in child:
        base, value = child.split('.', 1)
        if hasattr(parent, base):
            base_obj = getattr(parent, base)
            return get_field(base_obj, value)
        return None, None

[docs] class BaseModel(object): ''' A custom sqlalchemy declarative Base By default it always prints ``pk``, ``name``, and ``label``, if found. Models can define they own `.print_fields` as a list of field to be output in the representation. Works with field names nested inside other models as well. ''' #: A list of fields (as strings) to be included in the ``__repr__`` print_fields = [] def __repr__(self): """A custom repr for models.""" reg = str(self.__class__.__name__) if reg is not None: pk_field = self.__class__.__mapper__.primary_key[0].name pk_value = getattr(self, pk_field) fields = ['{0}={1!r}'.format(pk_field, pk_value)] for extra_field in ['label', 'name']: if extra_field not in self.print_fields: self.print_fields.append(extra_field) for ff in self.print_fields: if ff == pk_field: continue base, value = get_field(self, ff) if base: fields.append('{0}={1!r}'.format(base, value)) return '<{0} ({1})>'.format(reg, ', '.join(fields)) return super(BaseModel, self).__repr__()
[docs] def get_id(self): ''' get the pk ''' return if hasattr(self, 'pk') else None
@hybrid_method def cone_search(self, ra, dec, a, b=None, pa=None, ra_col='ra', dec_col='dec'): """Returns a query with the rows inside a region on the sky.""" assert hasattr(self, ra_col) and hasattr(self, dec_col), \ 'this model class does not have ra/dec columns.' ra_attr = getattr(self, ra_col) dec_attr = getattr(self, dec_col) if b is None: return func.q3c_radial_query(ra_attr, dec_attr, ra, dec, a) else: pa = pa or 0.0 ratio = b / a return func.q3c_ellipse_query(ra_attr, dec_attr, ra, dec, a, ratio, pa)