Source code for sdssdb.peewee

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2018-09-22
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (
# flake8: noqa

import keyword
import warnings

import peewee
from peewee import Model, ModelBase, fn
from playhouse.hybrid import hybrid_method

from sdssdb.exceptions import SdssdbUserWarning
from sdssdb.utils.internals import is_table_locked

[docs] class ReflectMeta(ModelBase): """A metaclass that supports model reflection on demand. This metaclass expands PeeWee's ``ModelBase`` to provide a hook for declaring/expanding fields and indexes using the :ref:`introspection system <peewee:reflection>`. The feature is enabled by a new attribute in :class:`peewee:Metadata` called ``use_reflection`` (which is set to `False` by default). When set to `True` the metaclass extends the model using the fields and indexes discovered using reflection. It is possible to mix explicitely defined fields with discovered ones; the latter never override the former. Normally `.ReflectMeta` is implemented by creating a base model that is then used to defined the table models :: class ReflectBaseModel(peewee.Model, metaclass=ReflectMeta): class Meta: primary_key = False use_reflection = False database = database class Tycho2(ReflectBaseModel): class Meta: use_reflection = True schema = 'catalogdb' table_name = 'tycho2' Note that ``use_reflection`` is inheritable so if set to `True` in the base class that will affect to all subclasses, except if it's overridden there. It's also a good idea to set ``primary_key=False`` to prevent Peewee from creating an ``id`` column automatically. If the database connection changes it's possible to call `.reflect` to rediscover the reflected fields for the new connection. This will remove all reflected fields (but not those explicitely added) and add the newly discovered ones. If the database class is `.PeeweeDatabaseConnection`, the database will call `.reflect` for each model bound to the database each time it connects. This ensures that if the connection changes the reflected fields are updated. Note that this will not work if using Peewee's :class:`peewee:PostgresqlDatabase`. By default, `.ReflectMeta` will add all the fields from the reflected models, including foreign keys. Sometimes that is not desirable and it's preferable to define the foreign keys explicitely. In that case it's possible to disable the reflection of foreign keys by doing :: class ReflectBaseModel(peewee.Model, metaclass=ReflectMeta): class Meta: primary_key = False use_reflection = False reflection_options = {'skip_foreign_keys': True} database = database Foreign keys explicitely defined need to reference existing fields, so the referenced columns need to be added manually. In practice, this means that if you add a `peewee:ForeignKeyField`, the referenced field (usually the primary key) needs to be defined explicitely. The default Peewee reflection process requires multiple queries against the database for each table. This can become quite slow if the schema contains many tables or if the connection has significant overhead, for example when connected over an SSH tunnel. In these cases one can set ``Meta`` with ``reflection_options = {'use_peewee_reflection': False}``. This will use a reflection system that is designed to minimise the number of queries needed for schema introspection. Note that this system is experimental and doesn't reflect foreign keys or constraints. Caveats: - Due to a bug in PeeWee primary keys are not discovered correctly if the user connected to the database does not have write access. In that case a composite key encompassing all the fields in the model is created. To avoid this, explicitely define the primary key in the model. - Many-to-many relationships need to be defined explicitely since it's not possible to set the through model based on the reflected information. - When the primary key of a model is also a foreign key and ``reflection_options = {'skip_foreign_keys': True}``, both the primary key and the foreign key need to be defined explicitely. Otherwise neither will be added. - Reflection will fail if a table is locked with ``AccessExclusiveLock``. In that case reflection will be skipped and a warning issued. Note that if the table is locked with an exclusive lock you won't be able to access the data in any case. - In this version, indexes discovered by reflection are not propagated to the model class. This should not have any impact in performance. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): Model = super(ReflectMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) meta = Model._meta database = meta.database if database and hasattr(database, 'models'): if Model not in database.models.values(): schema = meta.schema table_name = meta.table_name fpath = schema + '.' + table_name if schema else table_name database.models[fpath] = Model # Don't do anything if this model doesn't want reflection. if getattr(meta, 'use_reflection', True): cls.reflect(Model) return Model
[docs] def reflect(self): """Adds fields and indexes to the model using reflection.""" meta = self._meta database = meta.database table_name = meta.table_name schema = meta.schema if not database or not database.connected: return # Lists tables in the schema. This is a bit of a hack but # faster than using database.table_exists because it's cached. database.get_fields(table_name, schema) schema_tables = database._metadata[schema].keys() if table_name not in schema_tables: # Give it another try without caching. This is sometimes necessary # for tables things like catalog_to_X table that are created # dynamically. database.get_fields(table_name, schema, cache=False) schema_tables = database._metadata[schema].keys() if table_name not in schema_tables: return for index in meta.indexes: if hasattr(index, 'reflected') and index.reflected: meta.indexes.remove(index) if not database.is_connection_usable(): raise peewee.DatabaseError('database not connected.') if hasattr(meta, 'reflection_options'): opts = meta.reflection_options skip_fks = opts.get('skip_foreign_keys', False) use_peewee_reflection = opts.get('use_peewee_reflection', True) else: skip_fks = False use_peewee_reflection = True try: if use_peewee_reflection: # Check for locks. We only need to do this if using the Peewee # reflection because one of the queries it does can be blocked # by a AccessExclusiveLock lock. locks = is_table_locked(database, table_name) if locks and 'AccessExclusiveLock' in locks: warnings.warn(f'table {schema}.{table_name} is locked and ' 'will not be reflected.', SdssdbUserWarning) return introspector = database.get_introspector(schema) reflected_model = introspector.generate_models( table_names=[table_name])[table_name] fields = reflected_model._meta.fields else: fields = database.get_fields(table_name, schema) fields = {field.column_name: field for field in fields} except KeyError as ee: warnings.warn(f'reflection failed for {table_name}: ' f'table or column {ee} not found.', SdssdbUserWarning) return except Exception as ee: warnings.warn(f'reflection failed for {table_name}: {ee}', SdssdbUserWarning) return for field_name, field in fields.items(): if field_name in keyword.kwlist: field_name += '_' if field_name in meta.fields: meta_field = meta.fields[field_name] if not getattr(meta_field, 'reflected', False): continue if isinstance(field, peewee.ForeignKeyField) and skip_fks: continue if field.primary_key: meta.set_primary_key(field_name, field) else: meta.add_field(field_name, field) meta.fields[field_name].reflected = True # Composite keys are not a normal column so if the pk has not been # set already, check if it exists in the reflected model. We avoid # adding pks that are foreign keys. if not meta.primary_key: if use_peewee_reflection and reflected_model._meta.primary_key: pk = reflected_model._meta.primary_key if not isinstance(pk, peewee.ForeignKeyField) or not skip_fks: meta.set_primary_key(, pk) elif not use_peewee_reflection: pk = database.get_primary_keys(table_name, schema) if len(pk) > 1: pk = peewee.CompositeKey(*pk) meta.set_primary_key('__composite_key__', pk)
[docs] class BaseModel(Model, metaclass=ReflectMeta): """A custom peewee `.Model` with enhanced representation and methods. By default it always prints ``pk``, ``name``, and ``label``, if found. Models can define they own ``print_fields`` in ``Meta`` as a list of field names to be output in the representation. """ class Meta: primary_key = False use_reflection = False print_fields = [] def __str__(self): """A custom str for the model repr.""" if self._meta.primary_key: if self._meta.composite_key: pk_field = '(' + ', '.join(self._meta.primary_key.field_names) + ')' else: pk_field = fields = ['{0}={1!r}'.format(pk_field, self.get_id())] else: pk_field = None fields = [] for extra_field in ['label', 'name']: if extra_field not in self._meta.print_fields: self._meta.print_fields.append(extra_field) for ff in self._meta.print_fields: if ff == pk_field: continue if hasattr(self, ff): fields.append('{0}={1!r}'.format(ff, getattr(self, ff))) return ', '.join(fields) @hybrid_method def cone_search(self, ra, dec, a, b=None, pa=None, ra_col='ra', dec_col='dec'): """Returns a query with the rows inside a region on the sky.""" assert hasattr(self, ra_col) and hasattr(self, dec_col), \ 'this model class does not have ra/dec columns.' ra_attr = getattr(self, ra_col) dec_attr = getattr(self, dec_col) if b is None: return fn.q3c_radial_query(ra_attr, dec_attr, ra, dec, a) else: pa = pa or 0.0 ratio = b / a return fn.q3c_ellipse_query(ra_attr, dec_attr, ra, dec, a, ratio, pa)